What’s NEW?

Framework for the Primary and Junior Divisions

The Frameworks for the Primary and Junior division assessments have been updated for 2023-2024.

Updated Firewall’s Domain-Allowed List

The firewall’s domain-allowed list has been updated. Ensure all the domains are added so that students can access the assessment fully. Refer to Firewall’s domain-allowed list for public schools or for private schools for more details.

Autosubmission of sessions or stages 

Any student who had started a session or stage but did not submit their work will have their session or stage automatically submitted by the system by 5:00 p.m. (ET) to prevent student sessions from remaining open when not in use. Refer to Autosubmission of sessions and stages. It is still important for teachers to lock sessions or stages as soon as the continuous sitting is completed.

Alternative Version requests

Formats of the Alternative Version requested by the school will now be provided through the Message Centre as a compressed folder. The Alternative Version of the Sample Test will also be provided through the Message Centre in the same format that the school requested for the assessment. Monitor the Message Centre in the school administrator’s account for communication and files from EQAO.

School administrators can monitor the pending, approved or cancelled status of any Alternative Version request by accessing the Requests tab in their account. Please refer to instructions for requesting or cancelling in the Requesting the Alternative Version of the Assessment section for more details. .

Teacher view

The teacher view has been refreshed to make the navigation experience better. Message Centre pinned messages have been integrated into the view. Teachers and invigilators will continue to see the sample test on a separate page from the operational assessment.

Ability to pause Operational Assessment and return to the Sample Test

A new pause feature will permit teachers to pause the operational assessment and allow students to go into the sample test. Students in a class can only be in the sample test OR the operational assessment at one time. Refer to Switching between the sample test and operational assessment section for more details.

Student single login

Students will no longer be able to login to two devices simultaneously. If a student needs to change devices, they must log out of the first device.

Student last name check during login

Students will need to enter their last name correctly as they log in. Refer to Student Login Issue section for more information.

Printing, Scanning and Uploading System Updates

For the open-response questions for the Language component of the Primary and Junior Assessments, students have the option of using a printed assessment response form. System updates have been made to streamline the process for schools. Refer to Printing, Scanning and Uploading Process for details.

Updates to the highlighter tool

Additional colours have been added to the student highlighter tool on the e-assessment platform to provide students with additional options. 

Board IT account domain exclusion check

A new feature will permit all allowed domains to be checked on your network automatically.

Updated on April 18, 2024