After the Assessment

The following steps must be completed after the administration of the Assessments of Reading, Writing and Mathematics, Primary and Junior Divisions.

Summary of steps after the assessment

  • Ensure the scanning and uploading process is complete for students who used the paper assessment response sheets for the open-response questions in the Language component. Refer to instructions in the Printing, Scanning and Uploading Process section.
  • Ensure that all student responses have been transcribed into the e-assessment platform for:
    • selected-response questions completed on the printable PDF and using Braille formats of the Alternative Version in the language and mathematics components and
    • open-response questions in the language component completed on large-print response sheets.
  • Braille copies of the assessment must be mailed back to EQAO.
  • Ensure all student responses are submitted to EQAO in the e-assessment system.
  • If paper assessment response sheet has been selected for any student, once all uploads have been successful, ensure that all digital copies of the pdf have been deleted from all computers.
  • Store any printed copies of the alternative version with student responses and scanned assessment response sheets in a secure location determined by the school administrator until ISRs are generated in the Fall. Be sure to delete the PDF file from the computer once the scans are successfully updated.  When ISRs are generated, shred all printed copies of the alternative version and all assessment response sheets.
  • Complete the voluntary Teacher Questionnaire.

The Teacher Questionnaire should be completed by the main teacher of the class only. If the main teacher teaches more than one class, the Teacher  Questionnaire only needs to be completed once.

Updated on March 13, 2025